Yes, we are back in Seattle! Traveling with a different family has allowed us to visit some of our favourites, but also take in some of those sights that we have not done in a while. This was a go, go, go visit of Seattle as we managed to not only exhaust our kids, but also us as well. We started the trip at Science World, where membership has its privileges as we were able to bypass the commoners line up, exploring the many displays and hands on activities built for kids. One of the kids in our group loves animals, insects . . . lets be honest anything that has a heart beat and can crawl on the ground. One of the highlights of our visit was the feeding of the boa constrictor, which only eats twice a month. The kids spent about an hour in the butterfly exhibit, while Emma and I made houses with enlarged pattern blocks . . . lets just say that Emma was very particular about how I could help her out . . . lets just say that whatever I did was not what she wanted.
I was very surprised and pleased to see Emma holding this creepy crawly thing. |
Our next stop was hopping on the tram and travelling to Pike Place. "What stop are we getting off at?" "This is it". "What, that's it?" Lets just say that the kids were a little shocked as to how short the tram ride was . . . so was I. The kids got a kick out of watching the Fish Throwing store . . . they really know how to draw a crowd and stir up business for themselves . . . I must admit that it looks like a fun place to work. If I ever give up teaching, you will know where to find me . . . chucking fish at my coworkers! I think I would have a few grievances filed against me if I did this now.
The Space Noodle, which was named by one of our friends and has stuck with our kids. Josh wanted it to look like he was holding the Space Noodle up with his hand. |
Day two we decided to hit my favourite spot on our Seattle tour, which is Sky High Sports. When we arrived, there was a special on for a second hour for an extra $3! (Well, this is a no brainer I thought to myself . . . this decision would come back to haunt us). We decided to buck up and pay for the extra hour because we felt that if the kids only stay for an extra 10 minutes we got our moneys worth . . . well, TWO HOURS later our passes finally ran out and we were forced to leave . . . lets just say that I was counting down the minutes from about minute 10 of the first hour as my legs were already feeling it.
Next stop, the Rainforest Cafe and then off to the Childrens' Museum in Everett.
Josh has taken an interest in taking pictures. I especially like this close up of one of the fishes he found in the fish tank at the Rainforest Cafe. |
In one of the rooms at the Childrens' Museum they had some blocks out for the "KIDS" to build with . . . so like any parent, I decided to partake in the challenge of building some towers. At first, I tried to create an unique tower, but then I noticed Pat was building for height . . . now I am not competitive at all so I decided to take up this challenge and started to build up and up and up. When I couldn't reach any higher as I was on my tippy toes (okay, I know you are thinking it so, insert your short jokes here), I decided to grab the bench sitting close by. By this point Pat's tower collapsed, so I was already crowned King of the Tower building contest, but I carried on anyways because if I always give up when others fail, I would never be challenged ;) . It got to the point where I could no longer reach standing on my tippy toes on the bench so I had to enlist the help of my 6" 4' travelling partner to put the last floor on.
Josh and his friend enjoyed trying to knock the towers down with the wooden blocks. |
Of course Josh got into the building of the towers. |
Emma really enjoyed the veterinarian clinic and the pizza shop. |
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