September is a time that brings mixed emotions to our family as we say goodbye to sleeping in (well me sleeping in as Mich deals with the kids in the early hours of the day . . . thanks Mich), living day to day with little timetable except the internal clocks of our stomachs, and spending time together as a family sharing in our experiences and creating long lasting memories.
September also brings with it the "New Year". Since becoming a teacher, I have always felt that September signified a new year in my life, anxiously waiting to find out whose class the kids will be in at school, meeting and beginning a ten month journey with my students, soccer and hockey starting up, earlier bedtimes and mornings, packing lunches in new lunch kits, organizing schedules, and creating a plan of attack to get everyone where they need to be on time. This is the chaos of September!!
As we have begun to prepare ourselves for the first day of school, Tatum invited us over to take some back to school photos at their place. So we got the kids dressed in their school outfits for their photo shoot . . . lets just say that our kids are definitely not shy in front of the camera. Thanks again Adam for the amazing pictures!
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