Garbage bags, gum boots, and excitement were all packed up as we headed out on our annual trip to the pumpkin patch. This year we met up with Michelle's cousin and her two kids at Westham Farm in Ladner. We always enjoy this trip because it is a relaxing time where the kids explore the farm and have the freedom to run around searching for that perfect pumpkin. The kids loved seeing the chickens, baby goats, donkeys and a thing that looked like an ox . . . sorry animal lovers out there, but it was big, brown and hairy . . . it could of been a Sasquatch for all I know. (I know what some of you are thinking, poor city boy needs to get out more or at least leave Richmond more than twice a year). The part that I always love is the constant questions and curious looks at the different vegetables and pumpkins that they have. This year we picked up some orange pumpkins, white pumpkins, mini pumpkins, purple carrots, and some yummy corn. I had to draw the line with Michelle on the full stalks of corn, yes, you read that correctly, FULL stalks of corn!!! Usually I give into her asinine, I don't know where she comes up with these things, ideas, but I could not give in even if I wanted to. Our truck was packed with two shooter tutors, goalie gear, Josh and Jamie's hockey gear, pucks, cones, and my coaches bag which left enough room for one pumpkin. Lets just say that the 11 pumpkins and vegetables were already pushing the storage capacity of our truck. I tried to ignore the "are you kidding me" stares of passer bys and trying to pretend that this is a normal truck load of stuff . . so, Michelle's corn stalks lost out . . . this year!!
Three kids, three smiles in the same picture . . . priceless! |
Emma was a little unsure about sitting on the pumpkins, "no waaaayyyy". |
Josh was fun to watch as he simply went off into the patch going further and further away looking for his pumpkins. |
Jamie enjoyed looking for the big one and poking his finger into the rotten ones on the ground. |
I found one and it was this big! |
The kids always enjoy spending time together. |
Another great family day at the patch. These are the times that I love when we can slow down and simply enjoy each other doing the simple things in life. |
"Too heavy" |
Purple carrots? |
Designer gum boots??? Who knew? Another great day spent together. |
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