Well I set this up for your mom to start blogging, but that lasted about a day or so (you know our mom and technology) . . . so I decided that maybe I could use this as a way to capture some of my thoughts about our Everyday Adventures. I really don't know when you will see this or read this, but I hope that you appreciate and enjoy reminiscing our time spent together. I love you always and you make me so proud to be your dad. I look forward to the many adventures and memories that we will share together.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Marda Gras

Today we headed to the Marda Gras Street Festival in Calgary, where there were different retail booths, food trucks, music, and lots of games to play for some free prizes.  We spent about four hours going from booth to booth browsing their stuff and trying to win some free prizes.  The kids walked away with sunglasses, pens, Frisbees, bead necklaces, tattoos, candies, bracelets, and hats. 
Emma loved petting the cute puppies.

Good luck Josh!
The boys won a couple of hats hitting the top shelf.  A few shots flew over the net and hit the building behind the goal.
The coolest thing that we got to do was “Share a Coke”, which was a promotion that started in Australia.  In line, we were given a small can of Coke to drink which helped us cool down from the heat of the day.  When we got to the front of the line we typed our names into the screen on the side of the truck and out popped a personalized can of Coke.

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