Well I set this up for your mom to start blogging, but that lasted about a day or so (you know our mom and technology) . . . so I decided that maybe I could use this as a way to capture some of my thoughts about our Everyday Adventures. I really don't know when you will see this or read this, but I hope that you appreciate and enjoy reminiscing our time spent together. I love you always and you make me so proud to be your dad. I look forward to the many adventures and memories that we will share together.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

10 Years

Ten years, a decade, 3 650 days since our wedding, which seems like a long time ago . . . but then again it doesn't.  We have managed to accomplish a lot in the ten years together, but what I am most proud of is our family.  Holding hands, the hugs, kisses and the many little snuggles that we share daily are the only reminders that I need of the amazing ride that we are on.  Don't get me wrong, we have our challenges, obstacles, highlights and low-lights, but as Jamie often says, "I want to be on your team".   Togetherness and having the opportunity to share in our many experiences is what I hold close to my heart . . . so what better way to spend our anniversary than to head out on a bike trip to Granville Island.

Hmmm what trouble can I get into now??

A little water fight at the water park.

Josh was brave enough to ride the waves.

Luckily, our babysitter was in town and was available to babysit the kids so that we could go out for dinner and enjoy a nice evening together.  So, off we went to our favourite restaurant, The Banana Leaf, and then we went for some lattes and a nice walk along Kits Beach. 

A beautiful sunset allowed Michelle to attempt a second silhouette jump at Kits.  Now lets make something clear that I am taking these photos with a basic point and shoot camera with limited ability to modify the settings . . . but I must say that I did as good as job as I could do . . . especially given the limited hang time and skill level of my subject.

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